We at Sprout Agriculture® are passionate about producing and selling healthy, safe, high quality food products that are packed with flavor and that our customers can trust. We are committed to sustainable agricultural methods that both leave a small footprint on our earth as well as produce balanced, highly nutritional produce (not to mention better tasting).

Sprout Agriculture® is currently growing several varieties of American sweet cherries in the foothills of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in the Lijiang, Yunnan area of China. We believe that the climate and altitude that Lijiang provides will produce a cherry that will be packed with flavor and nutrition. Check out our commitments page to find out more.

Apart from Cherries we are also developing an eco farm implementing sustainable agricultural best practices to serve as a demonstration farm to train local farmers in these techniques. Our farm will produce different varieties of naturally grown fruits, vegetables and other food products that are packed with nutrients and flavor and that our customers can trust as safe to consume. We have already planted 3 varieties of Blueberries as well as some Seaberries and will be doing some companion planting of other suitable crops in the year to come. Our vision is to model to the community and train local farmers in sustainable, reproducible permaculture. What does that even mean? Check it out!

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