Who's Behind Sprout Agriculture®?

Jeff White


Jeff grew up in a rural town in Northern California and comes from a family of cherry farmers. Jeff, his wife, and their children live in the city of Lijiang, China and are passionate about implementing healthy and sustainable permacultural practices that can then be taught and reproduced by local farmers.

Scott Moreau


Scott's background is in Administration and Development and shares Jeff's passion for sustainable agriculture that benefits local communities in the Lijiang region. Scott and his wife and their children have lived in China since 2008 with a deep love for the diverse peoples and cultures of Yunnan. Scott looks forward to the day when he finally hears someone say "hey, your third tone is really good!"

About Lijiang

We believe Lijiang is one of the best places in the world to live and to grow nutritious and delicious fruit and vegetables. To learn more about Lijiang, check out the wikitravel page